😮 TCA PEEL: For Sun Damage & Texture. 😮
✨ I’m a big fan of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peels. I do a lot of them this time of year to improve sun damage, melasma, fine lines, and texture.
✨ My beautiful patient generously offered to share her healing process. Doesn’t her skin look amazing 😁?!
✨ While these results are typical of what many of my patients can expect, everyone’s skin is different. I tailor the type of solution, strength, and *prep* based on a thorough evaluation of each person’s skin. Many patients come in yearly.
✨ If you’re considering a peel, be sure your Doctor is very experienced in treating your skin type/condition, AND discusses pre- and post-care instructions with you.
📷 Photos used with patient consent. Do not distribute.
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