My parents, both in their 80s, recently came down with COVID.  Thankfully, they’re going to be fine 😌🙏🏼.
Through it all, I had to help them find new doctors.
Given how long it takes to get an appointment these days, and how difficult it is to find a doctor, I thought it might be useful to share how YOU can find a good doctor:
#1: ASK A DOCTOR. 🩺 We Doctors are really picky when it comes to choosing doctors for
ourselves and our families. I freely admit, I’m a snob when it comes to vetting new doctors that I see, or I refer my patients to. I care where they got their degrees, where they did their medical training, and what their experience is.
Excellent doctors tend to know other excellent doctors since we refer patients to each other. Plus, I can often pick up the phone and get my patient an appointment right away if it’s an emergency.
(You could also ask a dentist, nurse, or other medical professional.)
#2  CHECK THEM OUT.  Look up your Doctor’s credentials on your State Medical Board website. You can look up what year they were licensed, what specialty they were trained in (*not always the same as what they advertise), and whether there are any Malpractice judgments.
#3 DO NOT rely on YELP alone to choose your Doctor.  I know Doctors who pay several THOUSANDS of dollars a month to advertise.  No judgment, but I think everyone should be aware of this.
❓Have you had challenges finding a new Doctor? Tell me your story in the Comments below 👇🏼