Many patients ask me which device to get. I tell them to look for:

✅ One that plugs in – more powerful than battery-operated. I have the @lightstim ProPanel in my office. There are less pricey ones available. Many patients like the @Omniluxled Contour Face Mask. (PS. Red light wands are cute but only cover a very small part of your skin).

✅ Wavelength between 630-660 nm (boosts collagen & elastic tissue) plus 830 nm if possible (deeper elasticity). PMID 38288650 and 37522497.

✅ “FDA-cleared.”  This means it’s tested for safety (though not efficacy). *Unlike Rx drugs, which must prove that they’re effective (FDA “approved”), devices like red lights can only be FDA-“cleared.” So be suspicious of anyone promoting any “FDA-approved” device or laser– no such thing.

What else do you want to know about red light therapy? Leave it in the comments below. 💬⬇️

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